Khamis, 11 Disember 2008
Peform with Stacy AF6
Jumaat, 7 November 2008
Tempat : St.Bede Nabawan
Tarikh : 04, 05 & 06hb Disember 2008
Misa Kudus
Malam unggun api
Carol by Candle Light
What can i do?
Kenapa ini harus terjadi??
Jumaat, 12 September 2008
Rabu, 4 Jun 2008
Isnin, 26 Mei 2008
Ahad, 25 Mei 2008
Statistic Data
The are about 310,000 Roman Catholic populations new Province of Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, 8.8% of the 3.5 million of inhabitants. There are also a various Christians denomination in the state and there are called “Christian Sabah”.
The new Division:
a). The Archdiocese of Kuching , with Sibu and Miri in the suffragan dioceses
b). The Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu, with Keningau and Sandakan in the suffragan dioceses
According to the canon law in Latin Church, the metropolitan, who is the archbishop of the diocese which he heads, preside over an ecclesiastical province; this office is connected with an Episcopal see which has been determined or approved by the Roman Pontiff (can. 435)
Meanwhile, all the bishops in the Region of Malaysia, Singapore, Burunei, will be in Rome on the first week of June this year to meet the Pope-Ad Limina visit.
Sabtu, 24 Mei 2008
Peserta dari SABAH Stacy JUARA AF MUSIM KE-6.
Jumaat, 9 Mei 2008
Selasa, 6 Mei 2008
Ahad, 4 Mei 2008
The CATHOLIC Saint & Santo Inforamtion MAY 2008
St. Gregorius dilahirkan pada tahun 540 di Roma. Ayahnya seorang anggota Majelis Tinggi dan ibunya adalah St. Celia. Gregorius belajar filsafat dan ketika masih muda usianya, telah diangkat menjadi Gubernur Roma. Ketika ayahnya meninggal, Gregorius merombak rumahnya yang besar menjadi sebuah biara. Selama beberapa tahun ia hidup sebagai seorang biarawan yang saleh dan kudus. Kemudian Paus Pelagius mengangkatnya menjadi salah seorang dari ketujuh Diakon Roma. Ketika Paus wafat, Gregorius dipilih untuk menggantikannya. Gregorius sama sekali tidak menginginkan kehormatan seperti itu. Tetapi ia seorang yang sangat kudus serta bijaksana, sehingga semua orang tahu bahwa ia akan menjadi seorang paus yang baik. Gregorius berusaha menghindar dengan menyamar dan menyembunyikan diri dalam sebuah gua, tetapi akhirnya mereka menemukannya dan ia diangkat juga menjadi paus.
Sabtu, 3 Mei 2008
May 1 : Launching of the state level Kaamatan Celebrations
( Dewan masyarakat Pa'Musa Beaufort)
May 4 : Keningau, Lahad Datu, Tawau & Kunak
May 6 : Kudat
May 8 : Kinabatangan, Tongod & Inanam
May 10 : Tenom, Kemabong & Banggi
May 11 : Nabawan, Kota Belud, Sook, Pengalungan, Klang Valley (KDCA)
May 12 : Telupid & Paitan
May 15 : Matunggong & Sipitang
May 17 : Kota Kinabalu, Tambunan & Sandakan, Beluran, Papar, Penampang, Labuan & Semporna.
May 18 : Pitas & Kota Marudu
May 20: Tuaran, Tamparuli & Kiulu
May 21 : Menumbok, Kuala Penyu & Membakut
May 22 : Ranau & Putatan
May 29: Unduk Ngadau Gala Night
May 31 : Finally For Beauty Queen contest.
Selasa, 29 April 2008
The Ambual river |
KENINGAU: Some 2,000 villagers in Sook near here have voiced fears that an oil palm mill being built at Sunggala would pollute their only source of water supply – the Ambual river.
They are dead worried that waste from the mill when it is in commission may be discharged indiscriminately into the tributaries of the Ambual river.
The oil palm mill project is currently taking shape near the tributaries on the upper reaches of the Ambual River. Even now the water in the Ambual river would turn murky whenever it rains as earth from the project site is washed into its tributaries. A spokesman for the residents of Kampung Pantai Baru, Kampung Magatang and Kampung Ambual, Garius Pukin told New Sabah Times yesterday that the villagers depended on the Ambual river for their clean water as well as to irrigate some 471 acres of rice fields in Kampung Ambual and Magatang.
“And the residents of nearby Kampung Kasigui also depend on the river water for their freshwater fishponds,”he added. Garius, who is chairman of Kampung Ambual’s Gerakan Daya Wawasan and a Pensiangan Umno committee member, said he visited the construction site together with several villagers last year and found that the earthwork was the cause of the murky water of Ambual river. “We later informed the Sook sub-district office and several political leaders in Sook constituency but so far we have not received any feedback,” he quipped.
“While villagers have always been monitoring their river they have not been able to do anything about the oil palm mill other than complain to the relevant ministry or department as it belongs to a large corporation,” he added.
And, Garius also said that as construction of the mill has just started, there was still a chance to move it to another site. “If it is not moved, the government has to think of a way of supplying water to the villagers.
“We understand the mill would create job opportunities for the people in the Sook area but at the same time it could also affect the supply of water to the villagers,” he said.
Garius also urged the Department of Environment to send its personnel to the site and investigate the mill’s long-term impact on the villagers.
He said the villagers suspected that the department was probably not informed about the adverse environmental impact the mill would have on the villagers when it gave approval for its construction.
New Sabah TimesJumaat, 25 April 2008
Violin Rose
Rosevia Francis
The CATHOLIC Saint & Santo Inforamtion APRIL 2008
( The 1st Pope Catholic Church )
Petrus, paus pertama kita, adalah seorang nelayan dari Galilea. Yesus memanggilnya untuk mengikuti Dia, “Aku akan menjadikan engkau penjala manusia.” Petrus adalah seorang sederhana yang giat bekerja. Ia murah hati, jujur dan amat dekat dengan Yesus. Nama asli rasul besar ini adalah Simon, tetapi Yesus mengubahnya menjadi Petrus, yang artinya “batu karang”. “Engkaulah Petrus,” kata Yesus, “dan di atas batu karang ini Aku akan mendirikan Gereja-Ku.” Petrus adalah pemimpin para rasul.
Rabu, 23 April 2008
Kaamatan 2008 Date for every place in SABAH.
May 1 : Launching of the state level Kaamatan Celebrations
( Dewan masyarakat Pa'Musa Beaufort)
May 4 : Keningau, Lahad Datu, Tawau & Kunak
May 6 : Kudat
May 8 : Kinabatangan, Tongod & Inanam
May 10 : Tenom, Kemabong & Banggi
May 11 : Nabawan, Kota Belud, Sook, Pengalungan, Klang Valley (KDCA)
May 12 : Telupid & Paitan
May 15 : Matunggong & Sipitang
May 17 : Kota Kinabalu, Tambunan & Sandakan, Beluran, Papar, Penampang, Labuan & Semporna.
May 18 : Pitas & Kota Marudu
May 20: Tuaran, Tamparuli & Kiulu
May 21 : Menumbok, Kuala Penyu & Membakut
May 22 : Ranau & Putatan
May 29: Unduk Ngadau Gala Night
May 31 : Finally For Beauty Queen contest.